Knights fall in weekend road games

Knights fall in weekend road games

North Platte Community College Volleyball dropped both of its matches in La Junta, Colo. Saturday afternoon. 

The Knights took on Otero College first and fell 1-3 in a close-matched game. NPCC started off strong, scoring the initial point then remaining just a step or two ahead of the Rattlers for the remainder of the first set. The final score was 25-20 in favor of the Knights. 

The second set was even more of a nail-biter, with both teams eventually tied 26-26. A kill by Otero on the next play, followed by a hit out of bounds by NPCC sealed the win for the Rattlers 28-26. The teams remained neck-and-neck through the third set, but in the end, it was Otero that came out on top 25-23. 

The Rattlers took the lead in the fourth set and pulled ahead for good at the 7-6 mark. Otero then went on a run to take a nine-point lead before winning the set 25-18. 

Tyrah Woods led the Knights in kills with 11. Karley Spillane followed her with eight and Morgan Ramsey had seven. Avah Steggall came through with 29 assists. Whitney Chintala posted 13 digs and two aces, and Tessa Metschke notched 10 digs and three aces. 

North Platte battled Seward County Community College in its next match and fell 0-3. The Saints clung to the lead after grabbing it in the beginning of the first set. The Knights rallied at the end, but it wasn't enough to erase the six-point deficit created by Seward County, who claimed the victory 25-21. 

North Platte battled back in set two, leading the scoring until SCCC tied things up 5-5. The Saints then steamed ahead, winning the set 25-11. 

The third set was similar with NPCC leading until a 2-2 tie then falling behind as Seward County took a 25-13 win. 

Spillane had eight kills and 10 digs in that match. Woods managed five kills, and Chintala went for 17 digs. Steggall contributed 10 assists and AnnaLise Glosson put up seven. 

The Knights have two regular season games remaining. They will travel to Columbus Wednesday for a 6 p.m. match against Central Community College. That will be followed with a 3 p.m. game against Northeast Community College in Norfolk on Thursday.